A heaven to gain or a soul to lose
Words of Life and Health is an online Christian bookshop based in Buckinghamshire delivering to the whole of the UK. The Company generates its own specialised character-building and health products including books, DVDs and cards. In 2007 a new department was launched, the department of film making. The first film was released in 2009, which was nominated in 2009 and 2010.
Founded in 2005, the company exists to help adults and young people reach their goals in life, despite the odds. By definition, we provide ranges of products that will help mind, soul and body, and even to choose your own destiny for lasting joy and happiness.
Pictured: Prophetic Image
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was worrying about the future of his kingdom one evening. God knowing what was in his heart, gave him a dream. This dream was NOT only to show him what would become of his kingdom, but also of what would become of other kingdoms, which would follow his kingdom. The huge image the king saw in his dream, reveal the future history of the World.

Veronique Belmar is an academic and author. Her academic career began at Middlesex University, where she studied her first and second degrees. Her first degree was in Psychology, and the second, in Health Sciences. Later, she went to Oxford University to study Science and Medicine of Athletic Performance. She completed all her studies in the United Kingdom, during which time she was a lecturer in Psychology and in Health Studies. In 2006, she decided to become a full-time writer and part-time lecturer. However, Veronique found that there was more to learn and understand in order to meet the needs of her readers and students. Many of her students were pursuing degrees in medicine. At the age of fourteen, she started reading the Holy Scriptures and health literature. As a result, she gained an understanding of the relationship between the scientific study of the human body and the spiritual aspect of God as the creator of heaven and earth. From this experience, Veronique developed the unique perspective of a writer with multiple ideas.
To date, she has written several books, including Understanding World Events in the Light of Biblical Prophecy, Gone the Days of Obesity, and Tree of Immortality. While actively engaged as an author, Veronique also serves as director for Words of Life and Health Limited, training and educating those who wish to engage in character-building and health literature. She also writes articles for magazines and journals. In 2006, she was recognised as one of the top article writers. She was given the status of Expert Author and a platinum membership Level.
Veronique is also a filmmaker. In 2009, she wrote, produced, and directed a short film, titled Missionary's Soul. Veronique will be releasing her feature film "Rebellion and War in Heaven" shortly.
Veronique Belmar BSc (Hons) Health Sciences
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Film Director, Writer and Lecturer